Sunday, February 24, 2008

Mr. Pants rocks my socks!

Mr. Pants
Originally uploaded by kfowler
This is mr. pants, and he just so happens to be my favorite monster. He'll be making his film debut very soon, you'll be able to see him in a theater near you even.

I've even heard of random mr. pants sightings. More info to come.

Mr. Pants Copyright 2005 Kelsey Fowler

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Steve Teeths

kelsey: i like your teeths
Derick: You can have a few if you want. I don't need them all.
kelsey: yes you do
Derick: Nah, I think I could get by with one.
Derick: It'd call it Steve.
kelsey: aww i love steve teeth
Derick: We'd go on most excellent journeys.
Derick: And test all the coins to see if they's real.
kelsey: but you need two teeths for that
Derick: I have faith in Steve's abilities.
Derick: He can do it!
kelsey: well ok then, good luck to you Steve

Thursday, February 14, 2008


Originally uploaded by kfowler
Happy Valentine's Day from Marion the Librarian.

The Secret

So, eventually I will post some recipes on here, but in the meantime, I'll share with you my favorite all purpose spice mix.

Nantucket Secret Spice


Friday, February 8, 2008

The Count

Derick decided that he needed to share this with me tonight:


it made him cry.

Thursday, February 7, 2008


So, I had a birthday.

And since then I have cleaned my apartment, made myself some tasty food, and knitted a new sweater.
new sweater

I also framed some warhol drawings finally and hung them in the hallway.
new warhol

On the food note: oatmeal with strawberries and maple syrup; asparagus and spinach with garlic, lemon pepper, and tofu crumbles; taco salad; and plantain chips. . . it's been a yummy week so far.